PORTUGUESE LANGUAGETraining, Translation and Interpretation

Portuguese Language Corporate Training

Professional Foreign Language Corporate Training

Portuguese Language Corporate Training
LANGÉCOLE an Institute of Portuguese Studies, provides specific language courses for executives and travellers from business firms at their premises as per their need. The teaching methodology are suitable for the needs of corporate and it includes teaching aids like, internet, apps, audio and multimedia.

We have trained employees in foreign languages at the company premises of corporate houses in India in metros as well as in remote cities. We have specific training material prepared by our team to suit the corporate needs of various industries like - Mining and Minerals, Oil, BPO - KPO, IT, ITes etc.
Portuguese Language Corporate Training

Language Related Services

We extend our relations with companies by providing our various services to them in India and abroad. We provide following services but not limited to:

Call Us Now: 93114-88060 : Delhi,
96867-33757 : Bangalore,
99585-92758 : Director
Email to Us: info@learnportuguese.in
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